Getting to know Kyle Bean

Kyle Bean

If you work behind-the-scenes in operations or something similar, you can appreciate Kyle Bean, Cheetah’s Client Support Manager.

The reason is that what motivates Kyle — a former athletic trainer — is service and teamwork. Kyle is an unsung hero for our clients and for our company, and the unsung part doesn’t bother him. He simply wants to see those around him succeed, and it’s satisfaction enough for him to know that he helped.

Kyle holds two degrees from Ball State University, a Bachelors in Athletic Training and a Masters in Information and Communication Sciences. He has been with Cheetah for 3 years, starting his career here as a Client Support Representative before moving to management earlier this year.

Kyle leads an incredibly effective department, with a client satisfaction score of 98 percent. Furthermore, the Client Support team has an average response time of 90 minutes, compared to the industry average of 14.8 hours.

Here’s a little more about Kyle.

How did you go from training to trusts?

In high school, I was a three-sport athlete. I wasn’t necessarily good enough to play in college, but I still wanted to be around athletics, and I wanted to help people. So, I pursued an athletic training degree. My goal was to work with a professional sports team.

I had the opportunity to work with the Ball State football team for a semester. I taped so many ankles and helped so many big linemen stretch their hamstrings. It wasn’t a glamorous job, but I didn’t mind the hard work. The problem was that trainers are always traveling and they’re never really off the clock. Even high school trainers are putting in 60 hours a week. You really have to love it, and I could see that it wasn’t going to be a sustainable, long-term choice for me.

So how did you land at Cheetah?

After college I worked briefly at a distribution center, and then I took some time off work to get my master’s degree. It was challenging. I did an 11-month accelerated program. I had never heard of Cheetah before, but fortunately one of my professors knew Dan (Executive Director of Strategy Dan Wright). After I graduated, he put in a good word for me, and everything worked out.

What do you like about your job?

Even going back to athletic training, the main thing that I’ve always wanted to do is just help people. When I got into this role, I was able to get back to helping people. I can make their jobs easier and make their lives easier. Now as a manager, I get to do that for our own Cheetah team as well. I get to make sure that Client Support is set up for success so that they can make sure our clients are set up for success.

I interact with our clients in a different way now than I did before. I’m not necessarily resolving help tickets on a day-to-day basis. But I still do jump in and work one every now and then, just to keep the rust off.

What do you want our clients to know about Client Support

We are truly one team at Cheetah. Client Support is not a call center somewhere. We are on-site and in the office. I get to work in-person with our Quality Assurance department every day and have access to Development and anyone else I need to talk to in order to solve a problem for our clients. That’s a large part of the reason why my team is doing a great job. They know exactly what they are doing, and they have access to experts all around them.

But it’s important to point out that we have seen a decrease in help tickets in recent years. That’s because the software, as a whole, just keeps getting better. That’s a tip of the hat to everyone here at Cheetah.

Who is Kyle Bean on the weekends?

I really enjoy watching football and playing fantasy football. My wife and I also love to travel. We have been married for four years and go on a honeymoon every year. We’ve already made it to nine National Parks. We hope to eventually make it to them all, but they keep adding more. The number I heard last was somewhere around 60.


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