‘The status quo will not make you successful’

Mike Tropeano

Clients are changing and so are their expectations. 

Increasingly, your clients are more likely to be younger, female, and tech savvy. That means the way you engage with them has to change, according to Mike Tropeano, Vice President—Wealth, Bank/Trust and Retirement Consulting, for Broadridge.

Mike will be delivering an hour-long breakout session at the Hunt, Cheetah’s national user conference, for the Executive Track called “Clients Are Changing, Are You?” at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 15. 

“I’ll be talking about client demographics in today’s market,” Tropeano said. “What are they, and what can you expect. They are changing. So, the presentation is an overall look at acquiring and servicing clients differently than we have in the past.”

For more than 25 years, financial firms have turned to Mike for his expertise in business transformation and model expansion. He provides extensive insights into emerging technologies and trends such as digitizing operations; hyper-personalization of customer communications; Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) and enablement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). 

With a background in investment performance measurement, securities processing and operational best practices, Mike’s skill set is an especially good fit for both buy-side and sell-side firms that need to accelerate their pace of innovation. 

Innovation and personalization is something that will be necessary to hold onto tomorrow’s consumer. 

Broadridge research has found that despite a high level of investment, 69% of customers feel that the companies they do business with need to improve the customer experience. Furthermore, 54% of consumers stopped doing business with a company because it did a poor job of personalizing the experience, with younger consumers being more likely to make a switch for this reason.

The cost of not transforming is simple — reduced revenue. We will provide the latest insights on consumer preferences and perceptions, and actionable insights on what successful firms are doing to meet the needs of all generations of wealth management.

 “I don’t know that there is a deep enough understanding of this topic across the industry,” he said. “Moving forward, the status quo will not make you successful.”

Learn more at The Hunt

You can learn more about changing markets and changing demographics from Mike at the Hunt.

There, you’ll be joined by more than 100 trust and wealth management professionals like you who are seeking ways to grow, increase efficiencies, and serve their clients better.

You’ll get a firsthand look at Cheetah’s product roadmap and how it will advance trust and wealth in the digital age. You’ll learn from Cheetah team members and industry thought leaders, such as Mike, in three tracks: executive, operations, and investments.

The Hunt will take place at the beautiful Hyatt Regency in Greenville.


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